Monday, October 31, 2005

CLASS NOTES: Thurs., Oct. 20, 2005

CLASS NOTES: Thurs., Oct. 20


1. For Tuesday, Oct. 25, review Gore speech, on blog, and email
before Tuesday five issues on journalism and democracy . a few words for
each issue about significance. Also, continue discussing McChesney and
any journalism .breaking news..

2. On Thurs., Oct. 27, Densmore will hand out 10 questions; on
Thursday you will write on two of your choosing; Densmore will give you a
third one. One page of .cheat sheet. notes is OK.

3. For Tues., Nov. 2, read McChesney, Chap. 4, .The Age of
Hypercommercialism, handout (will hand out on Tuesday, Oct. 25), and
website postings marked .ADVERTISING.. (Mark Miller invited)

4. For Thurs., Nov. 4, read McChesney, Chap. 6 .Media Policies and
Media Reform,. and website postings marked MEDIA REFORM. Play some audio
from the St. Louis conference


HAND OUT .The Reporter.s Refusal to Testify,. by Phil Meyers as an
optional supplement to Miller case.

Audio: Democracy Now: Oct. 19, 2005: 5:05-7:02 mins.
Mon., Oct. 17, 2005: 21:03-22:50-42:35
Open Source; Jay Rosen, Kevin Drumm
.Getting Judith Miller. 12 minutes

Miller issues:

1) Does conduct of source matter in decision to protect source.s
2) Who is being protected? Why?
3) Should bloggers be extended immunity from testifying about

DISCUSS OBJECTIVITY BRIEFLY -- Mention status quo story

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