Wednesday, November 02, 2005

MOVIE ASSIGNMENT: A thought from retired CBS News chief


I was talking today ot Ed Fouhy, retired executive producer of CBS News,
who also formerly ran the Washington bureau of ABC (during the Watergate
era). He just saw the "Good night, Good Luck," movie you have been
assigned to see and had this thought:

He said the question raised in the film: "Can a commercial network
survive in an ideologically divided nation and can journalists maintain
their independence?" He said he was impressed with the thoroughness
with which George Clooney produced the movie. He doubled-sourced
everything, brought in advisors. "The atmosphere when I came to CBS six or
seven yeras later was very much what he portrayed."

Says Fouhy: The film is probably doing more to focus the conversation on a
profound question for journalism than any of the handwrigers or do-gooders
or conferences of the last 10 years. "It's a terrific piece of

FOUHY bio:

-- bill densmore

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